Why Now, More Than Ever, You Should Work With a Travel Planner
These are some scary and crazy times we are currently living through. Coronavirus has changed everyone’s lives on so many levels. With all there is to worry about, your travel plans should not be one of them.
With the virus hitting every corner of the globe, leisure travel has been severely disrupted and will be for some time to come. Things are changing every day and it’s hard to keep up and get accurate information. This is why working with a travel planner is key.
When you partner with a travel planner, you first and foremost get your own personal advocate. We get to know you and what’s important to you regarding travel. When plans get messed up, we are on the front lines to make sure our clients get the most favorable outcome possible. Since we know what was offered to previously affected guests, we also know what guests might be able to expect and whether it is a good idea to wait to cancel or not.
We also save you precious time. We are the ones who wait on endless holds and work through all the details. Some cruise lines wait times have been over 4 hours some days, do most people really have that much time to wait on hold?
We also give you peace of mind that someone, other than you, cares about your plans and how your life is being turned upside down by the current events. I’ll be blunt, third party travel sites, such as Expedia and Travelocity, don’t care one bit about you as a person. The same goes for big box stores that offer “travel services” such as Costco. They make the booking for you and then if something goes wrong, you are totally on your own. They may seem like they offer great deals, but if they don’t really help you at all, especially when you need them, the bargains don’t help much.
Using a travel planner is a good idea in the best of times for all of the same reasons above, but in times of crisis, we are more vital than ever.
Be safe everyone! And know that we will be here when the world is a little less crazy and people are ready to get out and explore it again.